Bruce Presbyterial Learning Day @ P.E. United

Sat, Apr 16, 2016 - 09:00am to 03:15pm

Event Type: 

  • Church Event


Port Elgin United Church

You are invited to the 3rd annual Bruce Presbyterial Learning Day, April 16th at Port Elgin United Church  9 am - 3:15 pm

Morning Workshop Topics:

 1.SAPR Committee  Boundary Training 2. Called to Leadership    

3.Dig Deeper, Create, Organize, Collaborate  

4. Music for the 21st Century

Afternoon Workshop Topics:

1.SAPR Committee  Social Media   2. Emotional Intelligence,  Enneagrams

3. Got Twitter:  Now What, 4. Look at Musical Culture

Learning Day 9:00 to 3:15 with Lunch served at 12:30.   9:00 – 9:30 Registration opens

For the cost of $30.00, KUC may send as many members of the congregation as wish to attend and this fee covers the cost of everyone’s workshops, lunch and snacks. Contact Sarah in the office by Thursday April 7th  with the names of the Workshop(s) you want to attend (email is



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